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Still Spirits Classic 8 Turbo Yeast

Still Spirits Classic 8 Turbo Yeast

Regular price $8.75 AUD
Regular price $10.00 AUD Sale price $8.75 AUD
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Introducing the Still Spirits Classic 8 Turbo Yeast, the ultimate solution for home distillers seeking exceptional quality and efficiency in their spirit production. This high-performance yeast is specifically designed to deliver a fast, clean fermentation process, making it perfect for those looking to produce high-quality spirits in a shorter amount of time.

Key Features:

  • Rapid Fermentation: Capable of fermenting 6kg of sugar in a 25L solution in just under 48 hours, the Classic 8 Turbo Yeast is one of the fastest yeasts available, ideal for quick production cycles without compromising quality.

  • High Alcohol Tolerance: Engineered to withstand high alcohol environments, this yeast can produce a wash with up to 20% alcohol by volume (ABV), perfect for crafting a wide range of spirits from vodka to rum.

  • Exceptional Purity: The specialized formulation of the Classic 8 Turbo Yeast minimizes the production of unwanted congeners and volatile substances, resulting in a cleaner, smoother end product.

  • Temperature Resilience: Optimized for a wide range of fermentation temperatures (18°C to 30°C), this yeast ensures consistent results in varying environmental conditions.

  • Versatile Use: While it's perfect for creating high-purity base spirits, its robust nature also makes it suitable for experimenting with flavored spirits and liqueurs.

  • Easy to Use: Simply add the yeast to your sugar solution, and the Classic 8 Turbo Yeast will do the rest, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced distillers.

Product Includes:

  • One packet of Still Spirits Classic 8 Turbo Yeast (sufficient for one 25L batch)

Ideal for:

  • Home distillers seeking fast, efficient fermentation
  • Craft spirit enthusiasts looking for a clean, smooth taste
  • Experimental distillers exploring flavored spirits and liqueurs

Whether you're a seasoned home distiller or just starting out, the Still Spirits Classic 8 Turbo Yeast is your go-to choice for producing high-quality spirits with ease and speed. Add it to your distilling arsenal today and elevate your home distillery to new heights!

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